High Focus Centers
With the start of October next week, several students may be experiencing increased levels of stress due to impending midterms, class assignments, and a heavy workload. However, for some students, intense stress about school is their baseline. If that is the case, their feelings about school may be indicative of a more serious condition: school anxiety.
Like many parents and caregivers this week you may be experiencing the excitement, and sometimes chaos, of the back to school season. Mainstream media, social media, and stores do a great job of hyping up the start of the new school year, and making us feel like there are so many things we must buy and do to prepare our children for that first day. There’s no doubt it’s an exciting time and there are things that students will need, but if you are thinking that you haven’t done enough or your stress level is high, here are some tips to get you through the next week.
Do You Need a Digital Detox? The Connection Between Social Media and Your Mental Health
Do you reach for your phone in the morning before you get out of bed? Have you ever fallen asleep with a phone or tablet beside your head? Do you wonder about the impact of your screen time on your mental state and well-being? With a few high-profile celebrities recently announcing that they are taking a break from social media to protect their mental health, it has renewed conversation about how social media makes us feel and the role that it plays in our lives. From FOMO (fear of missing out) to doom-scrolling to chasing likes to oversharing, many of us have developed some unhealthy habits when it comes to using social media. Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common forms of anxiety. The Anxiety Canada website suggests that between 7-13% of people are affected. It tends to emerge during interactions with others or during performance situations. Some common examples of anxiety-producing situations include public speaking or giving presentations, participating in a class or group discussion, eating in front of others, meeting new people, communicating with others, or attending social events.
March 2023